
5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents in Los Angeles Need to Shift Towards Local SEO

Local SEO for Real Estate Agents in Los Angeles California

Hey there, LA Realtors! 🌴

Look, I get it. You’re out there in the City of Angels, hustling through open houses, dealing with inspections, and trying to win over clients left and right. You’re thinking, “Do I really have time to worry about my digital marketing game?” Well, here’s the deal—you absolutely must. And today, we’re not just talking about any digital marketing; we’re talking about Local SEO and why it’s the secret sauce to your success in 2023.

Location, Location, SEO

Just like your favorite mantra—location, location, location—SEO is a game-changer. But not just any SEO, Local SEO. This is especially crucial for real estate agents operating in specific areas, like Los Angeles.

“But why?” you ask. Because according to a study by Dexbil, your one-stop-shop for all things digital marketing, 72% of consumers who perform a local search visit a store within 5 miles. For a real estate agent, that “store” is your next open house, your office, or even your website where you list properties.

Rank for What Matters

Local SEO isn’t just about showing up; it’s about showing up for the right queries. Imagine this: you specialize in luxury homes in Beverly Hills. When someone searches “luxury homes Beverly Hills,” you want to be on that coveted first page of Google, right?

With Local SEO, it’s not just about general terms but localized keywords. This is how you outsmart the competition, by being laser-focused on your niche. We’re talking long-tail keywords like “Spanish style luxury homes in Beverly Hills” or “eco-friendly condos in Downtown LA.”

Google My Business – Your New Best Friend

Let’s not forget Google My Business (GMB). If you haven’t set up your GMB profile, do it now. This is where you can list your services, share posts, and most importantly, gather reviews. According to Dexbil, GMB listings with high-quality, consistent reviews rank higher in local searches.

Mind Those Reviews

What’s the first thing you do when you’re looking to try a new restaurant or buy a new gadget? Check the reviews! The same goes for someone looking to hire a real estate agent. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on your GMB profile. Offer to guide them through the process if needed. Remember, every good review is an SEO point in your favor.

Okay, What’s Next?

If you’re thinking all this sounds great but are overwhelmed about where to start, worry not! There are experts who specialize in Local SEO, and some, like Dexbil, offer packages tailored specifically for real estate professionals in Los Angeles.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to kick your digital marketing into high gear and make Local SEO your new mantra for success in 2023!

Cheers to selling more homes 🥂

Contact Us to get a quick quote or to schedule a growth consultation.

Ishita Arora

About Me

Hey there, digital wanderer! 👋 I’m Ishita Arora, the voice behind the content you just devoured.

Well, let me tell you, my life is as dynamic as the Google algorithm! I’ve always had a knack for understanding trends—be it in fashion, technology, or the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.  
My mission here is simple: To break down the complexities of SEO into bite-sized, actionable advice. If you’re looking to navigate the maze of Search Engine Optimization, you’re in the right place.

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